Hydrogen•East | Halifax
Halifax, Nova Scotia • April 14-15, 2025
Halifax Convention Centre
The benefits hydrogen as a low-carbon energy is significant for high-emitting industries such as electricity, transportation, chemical production, manufacturing and oil & gas production.
What's Next for Hydrogen? How can we maximize the value for Atlantic Canada without just exporting our resources? Can hydrogen be cost-competitive with the price increases in the recent years? There are conversations and plans across the country to build out massive hydrogen infrastructure, including a move towards residential hydrogen. Who has the financing and the infrastructure? Let's explore first adopters and the first customers of Canada's hydrogen production. Let's hear how these first adopters are preparing for a cleaner alternative. Where does the growth come from? With Canada's plan to create hydrogen powerhouses across the countries, are there export opportunities? What is required to develop the market? This panel will discuss infrastructure, investment and the necessary regulatory framework.
Join us for Hydrogen•East | Halifax each April.
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