Let's Not Hide the Fine Print, Please Review

Exhibitor Terms & Conditions

EventWorx Corporation, Exhibitor Terms & Conditions for the Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show, Atlantic Canada Petroleum Show & PetroChem Canada and Supply Change Expo
As an exhibitor at an EventWorx event, please be sure to download, read and retain a copy of the the Exhibitor Terms & Conditions. If you have any concerns, please contact us as soon as possible.
Exhibitor Terms and Conditions (updated
Adobe Acrobat Document 126.1 KB

We love to hear from our customers.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us as soon as possible.


Thank you for your business.

Email: info@eventworxcorporation.com

Telephone: 403.971.3227


Suite 100-342, 111 - 5 Avenue SW

Calgary, Alberta

T3P 3Y6